Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Why hello.

I am a big believer in trusting your instincts. I also know that when I force myself to do something, it becomes a chore and I instantly rebel against my own, self imposed rules.

Which I why I haven't beaten myself up about not posting for over a year. Even though, I really should have done.

The thing is, when I started this blog I really needed it. It was my, extremely cost effective, version of therapy. And since then, well things got a whole heap better.

I'm still with the same boy I wrote this about.

And I did buy that flat, and live in it very happily.

But now I live in a new house, with said boy.

And I switched jobs and regained some sort of a work life balance.

So far, so smug.

But I do miss this little corner of the tinterwebs. Amongst all the pinning, tweeting and instagraming, nothing quite beats it.

So hello again :)

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